You and me standing there, neither of us the richer.

You are dark, and I am fair - the camera making the picture.

In the dark place, there the negative came.

A different color upon our face, as in real life we are not the same.

Wanda Smith
Copyright © 1970

The Students


Troy Basham
William Bault
Katherine (Kat) Brown
Sharon Bryant
Carole Bynum
Delaine Cochran
Don (Larry) Cooper
Michael Durr
Thomas Eades
Terry Eldridge
Mary Elkins
Daniel Feese
Judy (Jo) Fleming
Raymond Floyd
Esther L. Frederick
Aretha Gardner
Yolanda Graham
Ruth Gray
Gloria Green
Lillian Harbin
Harold Hathorne
Robert Himes
George Hughes
Arletta Hundley
Larry Johnson
Althea Jones
Roosevelt (Rudy) Jones
Cynthia Klumb
Michael Ladd
Vaneser Ann Lawless
Karen Diane Leach
Doris Lipscomb
Thomas Louden
Patricia Miller
Roderick Mullen
Gary Partin
Ebon Phelps
Walter Pierce
Huey Prather
Wilbur Price
Howard Priddy
Rebecca Robb
Randall Robbins
George Sanders
Denise Schadt
Juanita Schmidt
Danny Scott
Melvin Sears
John Shields
Karen Smith
Wanda Smith
Michael Jon Stadther
Claude Edward Stamper
Timothy Tincher
Ophelia Turner
Morris Walters
Earl Walther
Michael Walton
Gary Ware
Connie Weatherby
Gary Whiteside

Larry Avery
Matthew Bayes
Daniel Bell
Diana Bellingham
Kaye Bradford
Sandra Brown
Pamela Burdine
Larry Cornett
Douglas Davis
Richard DeRoy
Michele Dixon
Ron Duke
Vincent Edwards
Paul Ellis
William Faulkner
John Floyd
John T. Frederick III
Victor Frierson
Chinita Galbreath
Kathryn Gay
Letitia Gordon
Deborah Green
Judy Helton
David (Butch) Hill
Jesse Hunter
Michael Patrick Kelley
Sandra Lee
Joyce Leggett
Joanna Lewis
Robert Maloney
Diana Minter
Lois Niece
William Pennington
Joan Perkins
Stephen Peterson
Sandra Ray
Glen Melvin Rose
Elaine Sebree
Collette Skinner
Carl Smith
Karen Stephens
William Stokes
Tina Thornton
Delbert William Thorp
Mary Tisdale
Stephen Tunstill
Mike Wade
William (Pookie) Walton
Alfred Wiggins
Terry Gale Willingham
Cecilia Wilson
Patricia Young

Anita Gail Adams
Gary Allen
Joyce Anderson
Kevin Bell
Sheila Bledsoe
Florencetta Briscoe
Gary Brock
Steve Burgess
Allen Capp
Michelle Casey
Reggie Collins
Bill Combs
Paul Croney
Ilona Marie Davis
Kennel Dyer
Albert Farrow
Alice Green
Kenneth Hansen
Kellus (Kelly) Hayes
Sharon Jackson
David Jones
Cathy Logan
Ron Marlowe
Mary Jane Mays
Jane McCauley
Robert Miller
Bettina Patton
Linda Payne
Francis Reyna
Anthony Robbins
John Smith
Judy Smith
Patty Smith
Cathi Walker
Lynn Wiggins
Gwen Young

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